Pet Laser Therapy
What Is Pet Laser Therapy?
Laser therapy is an alternative therapy used to treat many conditions without the need for medications and surgery and it is also complementary to traditional therapies. Laser or photobiomodulation therapy uses specific wavelengths of light that activate the cellular mitochondria leading to increased blood flow and increased oxygen to cells. The increased blood flow and oxygenation help to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and stimulate healing. The image below details the wide variety of conditions that involve pain, inflammation and tissue damage.
During an Oral Exam Dr. Lofsky Will:
Examine the face and head for asymmetry, swelling, or discharges.
Examine the outside surfaces of teeth and gums, and the “bite.”
Open the mouth to examine the inner surfaces of the teeth and gums and the tongue, palates, oral mucosa, tonsils, and ventral tongue area.
Palpate and assess the size, shape, and consistency of the salivary glands and the lymph nodes in the neck.

Pet Laser Frequently Asked Questions
How many treatments are needed?
The diagnosis and condition determine the number of treatments needed to see and maintain positive results. Some acute conditions need 1 to 3 treatments. For chronic pain conditions (arthritis, hip dysplasia, etc.), we recommend six treatments over a 3-week period. Click on this link for common conditions and the number of treatments.
How long are the treatments?
Most laser therapy treatments are 5 to 10 minutes per treatment site.
Does it hurt?
Patients enjoy the soothing warm feeling laser therapy provides during treatments. They often relax and fall asleep.
Are there side effects?
Typically no. Sometimes when older animals have multiple sites (hips, back, elbows) treated, they may return home and want to sleep.
Where is the evidence that this works?
How much does it cost?
The cost depends on the number of treatments per week and the time involved for each treatment site. For example, one site would be the left hip, and an additional site would be the knee. So the cost ranges from $45 for less than a twenty-minute session and $90 for a sixty-minute session with multiple sites. Please call us for more details.
Examination Rooms With Doors to Outside...
"Had a very good first experience here with my cat. Doctor gave multiple suggestions for solutions to the particular problems we are having with our cat. Came up with a good plan of attack to tackle the issues in a step by step process. Took his time with our visit and handled our cat well. I also like how this clinic has individual examination rooms with doors to directly outside. This is great for not having animals mix it up with each other in a common greeting arena. As we know, sometimes some animals can be more active and curious then what the situation may call for."
~ Chris K.