Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Holiday Hours

We will be open from 8 am to 12 pm on Tuesday, Dec 24th and are Closed from Wednesday, Dec 25th to Saturday, Dec 28th. We are Open Monday, Dec 30th and are Closed Tuesday, Dec 31st and Wednesday, Jan 1st. For emergency care please call the EVC of Waterloo Region at 519-650-1617 or our 24/7 Registered Veterinary Technician Hotline at 647-695-5411, for non-emergencies, try our SmartVet Telemedicine Service.

COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire

Please complete this Visitor Screening Form just prior to entering Wilmot Veterinary Clinic

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1. Are you exhibiting any of the following symptoms? (please check all that apply)
2. In the last 10 days, has someone you live with been sick with symptoms associated with COVID-19 and/or tested positive for COVID-19 (on a rapid antigen test or PCR test)?
3. In the last 10 days, have you tested positive on a rapid antigen test or home-based self-testing kit?
4. In the last 10 days, have you been identified as a “close contact” of someone who currently has COVID-19 (confirmed by a PCR or rapid antigen test)?
5. In the last 14 days, has someone in your household (someone you live with) travelled outside of Canada AND been advised to quarantine (as per the federal quarantine requirements)?
How many COVID vaccinations have you had?

If you answered yes to any of the following questions please call us and remain outside or in your vehicle for further instructions.